120 Fun Never Have I Ever Questions for Classroom Icebreakers (Free Playable Template Available!)

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

120 Fun Never Have I Ever Questions for Classroom Icebreakers (Free Playable Template Available!)

Shooting Never Have I Ever questions is a fantastic way to break the ice and engage students in a fun, engaging way. Giving this classic game a quick redesign intended for classrooms can create an exciting experience, helping students connect while sharing fun facts and experiences in a light-hearted environment.

Plus, you can easily integrate these questions into an interactive PowerPoint presentation. By using engaging features like drag-and-drop, timers, name pickers, and a gamified reward system, you can transform a traditional “Never Have I Ever” session into an unforgettable experience where students enjoy some laughs together.

And since I like you guys a little bit (😉), a downloadable PowerPoint template with full setup and play instructions can be found in this blog to help you get started!

Hosting a Game With Never Have I Ever Questions in PowerPoint

A major, yet free, step to make these Never Have I Ever questions playable in PowerPoint is to add ClassPoint, which you can easily download and install at no cost. This tool enhances your presentations with interactive features that can elevate the game experience for your students.

Host a Never Have I Ever Game in PowerPoint

800,000+ educators and professionals use ClassPoint to boost audience engagement right inside PowerPoint.

To set up:

  • Create a saved class with your students’ names so you can easily award stars to them during the game – no need for your students to have devices or log in!
Setting up playable Never Have I Ever questions in PowerPoint
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation slide with Never Have I Ever questions covered by shapes that are converted into Draggable Objects.
Learn how to set up drag & drop in PowerPoint with ClassPoint's Draggable Objects. 
Setting up playable Never Have I Ever questions in PowerPoint

Playing the Never Have I Ever questions game:

  • Have all students stand up to start the game.
  • Have the entire class vote or pick which question from your slide should be revealed. With Draggable Objects, you should be able to drag & drop these shape covers easily as you host the game live in slide show mode.
Running playable Never Have I Ever questions in PowerPoint
  • General rule: if a student has done the activity mentioned in the question, they sit down.
  • The last student (or students) standing wins the round.
  • Award stars to the last student(s) standing using ClassPoint’s gamification features.
Running playable Never Have I Ever questions in PowerPoint
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Never Have I Ever Game in PowerPoint

Make these Never Have I Ever questions playable in PowerPoint!

Embarrassing Never Have I Ever Questions That Will Make Your Class Cringe

  1. Never have I ever accidentally waved at someone I thought I knew but didn’t.
  2. Never have I ever tripped in front of a whole group of people.
  3. Never have I ever raised my hand in class but forgot what I was going to say.
  4. Never have I ever mispronounced a word in front of everyone.
  5. Never have I ever said something embarrassing to a teacher by accident.
  6. Never have I ever walked into the wrong classroom by mistake.
  7. Never have I ever called my teacher “mom” or “dad” in class.
  8. Never have I ever spilled food or drink all over myself at lunch.
  9. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class and got caught.
  10. Never have I ever dropped my tray in the cafeteria for everyone to see.
  11. Never have I ever sent a message to the wrong person.
  12. Never have I ever got caught daydreaming when I was supposed to be paying attention.
  13. Never have I ever slipped on something while walking in the hallway.
  14. Never have I ever accidentally sat in someone else’s seat and didn’t realize.
  15. Never have I ever had my phone ring during a quiet moment in class.
  16. Never have I ever gotten lost during a school field trip.
  17. Never have I ever accidentally worn mismatched shoes or socks to school.
  18. Never have I ever forgotten the lyrics while singing in front of people.
  19. Never have I ever talked to myself out loud without realizing it.
  20. Never have I ever raised my hand to answer a question and gave a totally wrong answer.

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions That Will Get Your Class Laughing

  1. Never have I ever told a joke that no one else found funny.
  2. Never have I ever pretended to understand something in class but actually didn’t.
  3. Never have I ever tried to scare someone and ended up scaring myself.
  4. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I snorted.
  5. Never have I ever worn my clothes inside out by mistake.
  6. Never have I ever laughed out loud at a joke way after everyone else.
  7. Never have I ever walked into a door or a wall by accident.
  8. Never have I ever dropped something and made a huge noise in a quiet classroom.
  9. Never have I ever fallen out of my chair while trying to sit down.
  10. Never have I ever started laughing for no reason and couldn’t stop.
  11. Never have I ever tried to talk with my mouth full and ended up spitting food everywhere.
  12. Never have I ever accidentally sent a message to the wrong group chat.
  13. Never have I ever made a silly mistake while presenting in front of the class.
  14. Never have I ever danced in my seat when I thought no one was watching.
  15. Never have I ever told a story and realized halfway through that it made no sense.
  16. Never have I ever gotten a song stuck in my head and sang it out loud in class.
  17. Never have I ever tried to show off a trick and ended up failing miserably.
  18. Never have I ever tripped over my own feet while trying to look cool.
  19. Never have I ever laughed so hard I cried in front of my classmates.
  20. Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for a friend and waved at them.

Never Have I Ever Questions That Will Expose the Class Drama

  1. Never have I ever spread a rumor about someone in class.
  2. Never have I ever been involved in a group chat that turned into drama.
  3. Never have I ever had a crush on a classmate but never told anyone.
  4. Never have I ever witnessed a fight and told the whole school about it.
  5. Never have I ever had a secret that I was too scared to share with my friends.
  6. Never have I ever had a falling out with a friend over something silly.
  7. Never have I ever been caught eavesdropping on someone else’s conversation.
  8. Never have I ever been part of a prank that went too far.
  9. Never have I ever unfollowed someone on social media because of drama.
  10. Never have I ever pretended to be friends with someone just to fit in.
  11. Never have I ever shared a secret with someone and they told others.
  12. Never have I ever accidentally revealed someone else’s secret.
  13. Never have I ever received a mean message from someone in class.
  14. Never have I ever had a crush on a friend’s sibling.
  15. Never have I ever seen someone get in trouble and felt guilty for not helping.
  16. Never have I ever been the last to know about class gossip.
  17. Never have I ever posted something online that caused drama in class.
  18. Never have I ever confronted someone about something they said behind my back.
  19. Never have I ever kept a secret from my friends to protect their feelings.
  20. Never have I ever switched seats to avoid someone in class.
Host a Never Have I Ever Game in PowerPoint

800,000+ educators and professionals use ClassPoint to boost audience engagement right inside PowerPoint.

Shocking Never Have I Ever Questions That Will Catch Your Class Off Guard

  1. Never have I ever broken a school rule and got away with it.
  2. Never have I ever eaten food from the school cafeteria that made me sick.
  3. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text meant for someone else to a teacher.
  4. Never have I ever been caught sneaking out of class.
  5. Never have I ever accidentally spilled a secret that wasn’t mine to share.
  6. Never have I ever been sent to the principal’s office.
  7. Never have I ever failed a class.
  8. Never have I ever gotten lost in school and ended up in a strange place.
  9. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to skip school.
  10. Never have I ever had a teacher catch me doing something I shouldn’t.
  11. Never have I ever taken a dare that went wrong.
  12. Never have I ever made a bet with a friend.
  13. Never have I ever accidentally spilled something on a teacher’s desk.
  14. Never have I ever forgotten my homework or project at home.
  15. Never have I ever had a completely unexpected encounter with a teacher outside of school.
  16. Never have I ever worn the same outfit as someone else in class without realizing it.
  17. Never have I ever forgotten a classmate’s name after being introduced.
  18. Never have I ever mistakenly called a teacher by the wrong name.
  19. Never have I ever heard a rumor about myself that was completely untrue.
  20. Never have I ever found a hidden note in a textbook that revealed a classmate’s crush.

Never Have I Ever Questions That Will Make Students Spill Their Secrets

  1. Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher or classmate.
  2. Never have I ever tried to hide a bad grade from my parents.
  3. Never have I ever had a secret talent that nobody knows about.
  4. Never have I ever told a lie to get out of a situation.
  5. Never have I ever eavesdropped on a conversation and learned something surprising.
  6. Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person and regretted it.
  7. Never have I ever kept a diary or journal that nobody knows about.
  8. Never have I ever secretly wished to be someone else for a day.
  9. Never have I ever hidden food in my bag to eat during class.
  10. Never have I ever snooped through someone else’s belongings.
  11. Never have I ever broken something and blamed it on someone else.
  12. Never have I ever had a dream about a classmate.
  13. Never have I ever liked a song that everyone else hated.
  14. Never have I ever pretended to be someone else online.
  15. Never have I ever lied about my age to get something or enter somewhere.
  16. Never have I ever snuck out of the house without my parents knowing.
  17. Never have I ever told a white lie to make someone feel better.
  18. Never have I ever taken something from school that didn’t belong to me.
  19. Never have I ever had a secret nickname that nobody knows about.
  20. Never have I ever pretended to like a gift I actually hated.

Never Have I Ever Questions That Will Reveal the Quirks

  1. Never have I ever talked to myself when no one was around.
  2. Never have I ever had an unusual obsession with a specific food.
  3. Never have I ever created a playlist for every mood I have.
  4. Never have I ever had a weird habit that I thought nobody noticed.
  5. Never have I ever collected something random (like rocks, stickers, etc.).
  6. Never have I ever made up a dance to my favorite song in private.
  7. Never have I ever sung in the shower like nobody could hear me.
  8. Never have I ever had a guilty pleasure TV show that I’d never admit to liking.
  9. Never have I ever organized my room by color or category.
  10. Never have I ever spoken in a funny accent when joking around.
  11. Never have I ever had a superstitious belief about something silly.
  12. Never have I ever named inanimate objects.
  13. Never have I ever worn mismatched socks.
  14. Never have I ever talked to my pets like they were humans.
  15. Never have I ever believed in conspiracy theories.
  16. Never have I ever had an embarrassing childhood nickname.
  17. Never have I ever worn pajamas outside unaware.
  18. Never have I ever sung the wrong lyrics to a song with confidence.
  19. Never have I ever made up a silly handshake with a friend.
  20. Never have I ever practiced my autograph even though I’m not famous.

Never Have I Ever Game in PowerPoint

Make these Never Have I Ever questions playable in PowerPoint!

More question lists for your next presentation

Ausbert Generoso

About Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso is the Community Marketing Manager of ClassPoint. With 5 years of being a writer, his written work has always aimed to guide educators in their quest to create engaging learning environments. When he is not writing, he channels his creativity into crafting video content that equips teachers with the skills to master day-to-day presentations through simple to advanced PowerPoint tutorials over at ClassPoint's TikTok channel, raking 40 million total plays in just 3 months! Extending his efforts beyond blog and video creation, he also spearheads social media, reaching millions of ClassPoint users worldwide. Join Ausbert on this exciting journey as we revolutionize education together!

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