50+ Fun Riddles for Kids With Answers In 3 Difficulty Levels (Playable PowerPoint Template Available for Download!)

Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso

50+ Fun Riddles for Kids With Answers In 3 Difficulty Levels (Playable PowerPoint Template Available for Download!)

When it comes to engaging kids, few things are as timeless and entertaining as riddles. They stimulate curiosity, develop problem-solving skills, and spark creativity, all while offering a fun challenge. In this blog, we’ve put together a fresh collection of riddles for kids with answers to help guide the way. But what sets these riddles apart? We’ve arranged them by difficulty level—easy, medium, and hard—so there’s something here for every young mind, no matter their age or skill.

Plus, make it interactive!
You can download our PowerPoint version of these riddles, powered by ClassPoint, to bring them to life in your classroom or at home. It’s easy to set up, and kids can answer directly on their devices for an engaging experience!

Playable Riddles for Kids with Answers PowerPoint Template

Turn these riddles into interactive activities right in PowerPoint with this template powered by ClassPoint!

Make a Playable Riddle Game in PowerPoint with ClassPoint

When you add ClassPoint to your PowerPoint, a new Inknoe ClassPoint tab will form part of your PowerPoint ribbon. From here, you can access a wide range of interactive features, including quiz question buttons that are helpful in turning any PowerPoint slide into an interactive activity.

Play Riddles in PowerPoint

800,000+ educators and professionals use ClassPoint to boost audience engagement right inside PowerPoint.

For riddles, it’s best to pair them with a Short Answer activity, allowing kids to let their imaginations run wild without being restricted by set choices. To do this, simply create a question slide with any of the riddles from this listicle, then add a Short Answer button from your Inknoe ClassPoint tab.

To run the activity, go to Slide Show mode and invite your students to join your session using the class code that appears at the top of your screen. Once your students have joined, click on the Short Answer button to send the question slide to their devices. From there, they can submit their answers directly back to your PowerPoint presentation.

running a playable riddles for kids with answers game in PowerPoint screen recording

Once responses are in, go ahead and award stars for participant and/or correct answers!

Easy Riddles for Kids with Answers

1. I have teeth but never bite. What am I?

Answer: A comb.

2. I’m tall when I’m young, but as I age, I get shorter. What am I?

Answer: A candle.

3. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

Answer: Footsteps.

4. I’m a ball but I don’t bounce. I shine but I’m not a star. I rise but I’m not a balloon. What am I?

Answer: The sun.

5. I go up and down, but I’m not alive. I’m helpful, but sometimes slow. What am I?

Answer: An elevator.

6. What has a neck but no head?

Answer: A bottle.

7. Which two keys can’t open any door?

Answer: A monkey and a donkey.

8. What can travel the world while staying in one corner?

Answer: A stamp.

9. I’m full of holes, but I can still hold a lot of water. What am I?

Answer: A sponge.

10. I have an eye, but I can’t see. What am I?

Answer: A needle.

11. What gets wetter as it dries?

Answer: A towel.

12. I’m as light as a feather, yet no one can hold me for long. What am I?

Answer: Your breath.

13. What has many rings but no fingers?

Answer: A tree.

14. I’m always in front of you, but you can never see me. What am I?

Answer: The future.

15. I fly without wings and cry without eyes. Whenever I go, darkness flies. What am I?

Answer: A cloud.

16. What goes through cities and fields but never moves?

Answer: A road.

17. I come in pairs but always stick to the ground. What am I?

Answer: Shoes.

18. I move without seeing and hum without hearing. What am I?

Answer: A fan.

19. I go in hard and come out soft. What am I?

Answer: Chewing gum.

20. What is orange, and sounds like a parrot?

Answer: A carrot.

21. I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers but no water. What am I?

Answer: A map.

22. What can you catch but not throw?

Answer: A cold.

23. The more you have of me, the less you see. What am I?

Answer: Darkness.

24. What’s full of holes but still holds a lot of weight?

Answer: A fishing net.

25. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I grow. What am I?

Answer: Fire.

Play Riddles in PowerPoint

800,000+ educators and professionals use ClassPoint to boost audience engagement right inside PowerPoint.

Medium Riddles for Kids with Answers

26. I’m something you can eat and plant, yet I’m not a vegetable or fruit. What am I?

Answer: A seed.

27. I run without legs and never stop. What am I?

Answer: A river.

28. I can fill a room without taking up space. What am I?

Answer: Light.

29. I have wings but I’m not a bird. I can fly but I’m not alive. What am I?

Answer: An airplane.

30. I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?

Answer: A joke.

31. I’m taken from a mine and shut inside a wooden case. You use me almost every day. What am I?

Answer: A pencil.

32. What can fill a bathtub and a glass, but you can’t drink it?

Answer: A shadow.

33. I’m always around, but can’t be seen. I’m often heard, but never touched. What am I?

Answer: The wind.

34. I disappear the moment you say my name. What am I?

Answer: Silence.

35. I have a heart, but I’m not alive. What am I?

Answer: A deck of cards.

36. I’m a king without a crown. What am I?

Answer: A lion.

37. I can be found in a minute and last a lifetime, but if you waste me, I’m gone. What am I?

Answer: Time.

38. I sound like a cry or a groan. You can’t have me until you’re grown.

Answer: Wine.

39. I make two people out of one. What am I?

Answer: A mirror.

40. If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you don’t have me anymore. What am I?

Answer: A secret.

41. I’m found in socks, scarves, and mittens; I’m often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I?

Answer: Yarn.

42. You throw away my outside and cook my inside. Then you eat my outside and throw away my inside. What am I?

Answer: Corn on the cob.

43. I have keys but can’t open locks. What am I?

Answer: A piano.

44. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Answer: The letter ‘M’.

Hard Riddles for Kids with Answers

45. I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?

Answer: An echo.

46. I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

Answer: A keyboard.

47. The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it. The person who uses it never knows they’re using it. What is it?

Answer: A coffin.

48. The more you take from me, the bigger I get. What am I?

Answer: A hole.

49. What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees, and still never grows?

Answer: A mountain.

50. I go up but never come down. What am I?

Answer: Your age.

51. I can be written, spoken, broken, but never touched. What am I?

Answer: A promise.

52. What is always coming but never arrives?

Answer: Tomorrow.

53. I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What am I?

Answer: Seven.

54. You see me once in June, twice in November, but not at all in May. What am I?

Answer: The letter “E”.

55. I have hands but cannot clap. What am I?

Answer: A clock.

56. I’m heavy forward, but backward I’m not. What am I?

Answer: A ton (backwards is ‘not’).

57. I have somebody else’s face. But they’ve never seen me. Keep me in a safe place. But don’t leave your house without me.

Answer: Money.

Playable Riddles for Kids with Answers PowerPoint Template

Turn these riddles into interactive activities right in PowerPoint with this template powered by ClassPoint!

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Ausbert Generoso

About Ausbert Generoso

Ausbert Generoso is the Community Marketing Manager of ClassPoint. With 5 years of being a writer, his written work has always aimed to guide educators in their quest to create engaging learning environments. When he is not writing, he channels his creativity into crafting video content that equips teachers with the skills to master day-to-day presentations through simple to advanced PowerPoint tutorials over at ClassPoint's TikTok channel, raking 40 million total plays in just 3 months! Extending his efforts beyond blog and video creation, he also spearheads social media, reaching millions of ClassPoint users worldwide. Join Ausbert on this exciting journey as we revolutionize education together!

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