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Drag and drop in PowerPoint

Freely move objects on your slides during PowerPoint slide show.

Drag and drop in PowerPoint

Drag and drop activities in PowerPoint presentations.

More dynamic and engaging presentation with Draggable Objects!

Easy to set up

Simply select and mark objects as draggable in PowerPoint edit mode.

Drag and drop freely

Freely move objects on your slides during PowerPoint slide show.

Reset positions

Reset the positions of the draggable objects for the next run.

Convert any objects draggable

Turn any text, shapes, or images on your slides into draggable objects. Simply select the object and mark it as draggable and you will be able to drag them in slide show.

Simple, just drag and drop in slideshow

During your presentation simply select the Draggable Object tool from ClassPoint toolbar, and now you can drag and drop the objects freely on your slides during slide show.

Easily reset positions for next run

With a single click, you can reset the positions of the draggable objects for the next class.

Ways to design Drag and Drop activities

Here are some ways you can design drag and drop activities in your classroom.

Sorting activities

Draggable Objects can be a collaborative avenue for teachers and students to do sorting activities. For one, having students visually group items into different categories can be a great measure on memory and recall by involving them in the sorting process, enhancing the way they decide whether cognitively or emotionally. These sorting activities provide a fun and interactive way for students to practice decision-making skills.

Labeling activities

Randomize text stamps on a slide and turn it into an interactive activity by letting students command you on where to put proper labels. Have them label the parts of a plant onto a diagram, or correctly identify the parts of the human body. These activities provide direct collaboration between you and your students as you let them take control of the information they know, which you can provide feedback right after.

Matching activities

Practice and reinforce knowledge by hosting matching type activities using Draggable Objects. Challenge the way your students connect pieces of information by manipulating an activity where students are required to match one item to another, helping them engage their senses which in turn makes the learning process more enjoyable.

Reveal activities

Fuel excitement in the classroom by creating quizzes that involve revealing the correct answers. Do this even without student devices and make guessing games based off of facts, surveys, or pre-made questionnaires even more suspenseful and exciting. Easily make reveals live during a presentation and keep students on their toes as they anticipate correct answers hidden under Draggable Objects.

Drag and Drop in PowerPoint

How to make PowerPoint drag and drop activities for classroom?

Drag and drop objects in PowerPoint without Macros, VBA coding, or animations!

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