126 Articles - Page 8 of 11
<p>Are you looking to insert videos in PowerPoint presentations? Perhaps you want to spice up a boring slide or illustrate a point with a visual example? It is said that people pay 62% more attention to videos than written content. Whatever your reason, there are several ways to incorporate videos into your presentation. In this […]</p>
<p>Learn how to add a Spinning Wheel of Names in PowerPoint to make your presentations more engaging. This guide covers how to create and use a wheel of names, as well as when to use it to captivate an audience.</p>
<p>Looking to boost your presentation skills and stand out from the rest? Check out these 5 actionable tips for using interactive materials, audience participation, storytelling, visual design, and more to captivate your audience and create a memorable presentation. with these tips.</p>
<p>Try out one of these 10 best ways to use a timer in the classroom to improve student productivity, time management skills, and an array of benefits! Use a timer for group work, brain breaks, class discussions, learning games or test-taking. </p>
<p>Discover the exciting world of teaching with drag and drop slides! You can use this interactive approach in your classroom during teacher-led instruction. From exploring movement based concepts, to visually demonstrating relationships, draggable teaching material are a perfect way to help them grasp new material.</p>
<p>Wondering what kinds of classroom timers best fit your needs? This article explores the 5 main types of classroom timers in detail to help you become a pro in classroom management. Read on to discover recommendations for each timer type!</p>
<p>Amplify your PowerPoint audience engagement with 3D Morph animations! Using PowerPoint’s 3D models, you can create engaging, 3D slides that will surely impress your audience</p>
<p>Learn how to embed a live website in PowerPoint using ClassPoint. Use the internet, bookmark favorite sites, and insert a page as a slide all inside your presentation. With this add-on tool, teachers can enhance their lessons with internet resources, such as interactive simulations, infographics, and videos.</p>
<p>Learn how to drag and drop objects during PowerPoint presentations with Draggable Objects! Check out these step-by-step instructions and examples of how you can use draggable slide elements to engage audiences.</p>
<p>Without switching between multiple tools, you can randomly draw students and encourage active participation, fairness & inclusion, and keep students attentive throughout your lessons.</p>
<p>Struggling to find a way to add a timer to PowerPoint? You are at the right place! We tried all different methods (with and without add-ins) to add a timer to PowerPoint, and we have summarised the best 4 for you! Read on for step-by-step tutorials for each method, as well as a free downloadable template of PowerPoint timer slides.</p>
<p>Move through editing and creating your presentation more efficiently with these 21 effective and efficient PowerPoint shortcuts. Find out which ones work for you!</p>
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